Tender Night Medley
This solo is presented in a lush, relaxed format which incorporates the carols “Silent Night”, “Away In A Manger”, “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear”. The solo line is altered rhythmically to give a sense of child-like gentleness while the accompaniment gives a restful underpinning of lush harmonies.
Sunday School Parade
The effect of a parade coming and going… using: Jesus Loves The Little Children; Onward Christian Soldiers; I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy
Come Thou Fount
This bubbly rendition of “Come Thou Fount” is effervescent from beginning to end. It is filled with movement and excitement expressing intense joy throughout.
Are You Washed In The Blood
This solo is technically demanding while depicting the content of its title. While it is a provocative title with soul-searching implications, the results of its message produces a great deal of joy- salvation! The themes and embellishments presented here certainly enhances the joyous conclusion of such a concept and then moves to a rather solemn reflection of the wonder of it all.
I Need Thee Every Hour
Although the melody is gently modified, this solo with piano displays both a sensitivity along with an elevated soaring quality expressing the need for divine interaction on the part of humanity.
Hallelujah Chorus
A solo instrument with piano accompaniment? Can an arrangement capture the essence of the original with the majesty of full chorus and orchestra? This piece really does- it is amazingly complete!
Amazing Grace
This solo opens with a gentle, Celtic fashion in a duple meter. It progresses through a series expressive obbligati giving a sense of elevation. As it nears the end it modulates metrically and harmonically to a triple meter, and then final repose.
The Cross And Me
This alto sax solo is highly reflective in nature and incorporates the titles of :At The Cross”; “There’s Room At The Cross For Me”; “Beneath The Cross Of Jesus”. The piece is gentle and offers the opportunity far a great deal of expression. While there is embellishment of the lines they are done with taste.
All The Way Medley
An accompanied clarinet duet which begins with a melodic motif and then presents the hymn tune in unison by the two parts. The chorus then breaks into a duet harmonization in a straight forward manner. The next section presents the first part in a melodically altered rendition with the second part answering in an obbligato like fashion. The middle section is a Q&A form with the piano dropping out, followed by a piano solo section. A modulation now gives rise to the second part acting as a solo, followed by another modulation where the first takes over as a soloist. Then another modulation where the two parts present the chorus in a straight duet section., where it remains until the end.
What Child Is This?
This alto sax solo begins with the piano playing a gentle motif of the theme and then joined in with the solo line playing the theme in a straight forward fashion. The theme is now stated in a modified manner while the soloist exudes a moving obbligato line which adds more excitement to the piece. The piece concludes with the latter section of the first section and then settles into a solemn repose.
Go Tell/Mountain (band acc)
A band accompaniment for the woodwind solo based on the piano accompaniment found in the solo/piano version. It comes with four woodwind solo lines as well as a full band set. The piece’s counterpoint features the combination of both themes of the tune at the same time.
O The Deep Deep Love Of Jesus
This piece would serve well as a meditation. Beginning with a quiet Celtic lilt, the center section is stronger and bolder. After several bell effects, the piece returns to the mood of the beginning.
How Beautiful Are The Feet
Taken from the “Messiah”, this solo with piano is essentially a transcription of the original work. The balance in the writing between the solo and the accompaniment gives way to the sensitivity of the text of this well-know aria..
Jesus Loves Me
This solo with piano is constructed in a rondo form alternating the tunes of Jesus Loves Me, Praise Him All Ye Little Children and Jesus Loves The Little Children. Each section of the piece is in a different style thereby giving a great deal of variety technically and musically for the younger player.
Young Alto Sax Soloist
A solo collection with piano including: “Praise Him All Ye Little Children,” “Abide With Me,” “Dare To Be A Daniel,” “My Jesus I Love Thee,” “Away In A Manger,” “We Gather Together,” ” “Hallelujah! What A Saviour,” and “‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.”
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
This solo with piano is structured in a quasi-rondo form. Thus making a great deal of variety in texture, style, and dynamic.It will make the young performer sound more advanced.
Hallelujah! What A Saviour!
This solo with piano follows a simple theme and variation form. It gives the young soloist the opportunity to play many styles in a short framework.
Away In A Manger
This solo with piano begins with the portrayal of a pastoral setting. The arrangement incorporates both “Flow Gently Sweet Afton” and “Luther’s Hymn”.
We Gather Together
This solo with piano makes a straight forward statement of the tune followed by a contrasting section using a new counter melody. It then returns to the opening theme.
My Jesus I Love Thee
This solo with piano begins with a modified melodic statement. It enters into a second section with simple obligati and then returns to a beginning-like statement and ends with a simple coda.
Abide With Me
This solo piece with piano is presented in a straight-forward manner for the younger player with some altered pitches for interest.
Dare To Be A Daniel
This solo with piano begins with the strains of a lion’s roar. Next enters Daniel in a simple fashion followed by a statement in a triumphal march. The lions return-Daniel prevails.