A duet for alto saxes and piano and is presented as a suite. Titles include “God Is Love- Gott Ist Die Liebe,” “With the Shepherd Will I Go- Mit Den Hirten Will Ich Gehen'” “Come Hither Little Children- Ihl Kinderlein Komet.” Can be performed as a solo.
This duet with piano uses some expressive, interactive cadenza work between the duet parts in the beginning and during the work. It is vigorous in nature otherwise and ends with a torrent of joy!
An unaccompied flute duet that begins with imitative devices between the parts then moves to a nice duet treatment. The piece becomes more contrapuntalas it progresse and then breaks into a series of florishes. It then settles down into a pleasant duet harmy and movement.
Scored for two woodwind instruments with piano, the piece begins with a solo line and then adds the duet line. The ending section does much the same only with more rhythmic enhancement. An easy piece but gives opportunity for much expression.
A duet for flutes and piano and is presented as a suite. Titles include “Christmas Is Here- Weinacht Is Heut,” “Alle Jahre Wieder,” “Come, Ye Shepherds- Kommet, Ihr Hirten.” Can be performed as a solo.