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Level | 2 |
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Praise Guitar Made Easy
30 hymns and contemporary choruses
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Saviour Like A Shepherd
An accompanied flute solo which begins with a piano introduction and then presents a modified melody with an extended cadence in the piano. A modulation occurs where the solo line presents a variation of the original theme to a higher register giving a sense of intensity and then ends with a solemn motive.
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling
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Holy, Holy, Holy
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We Gather Together
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Hallelujah! What A Saviour!
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Jesus Loves Me
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What Child Is This?
This flute solo begins with the piano playing a gentle motif of the theme and then joined in with the solo line playing the theme in a straight forward fashion. The theme is now stated in a modified manner while the soloist exudes a moving obbligato line which adds more excitement to the piece. The piece concludes with the latter section of the first section and then settles into a solemn repose.
For The Beauty Of The Earth
This solo with piano begins with a simple statement of the tune with a middle section that uses motivic design, only to return to the opening statement.