An accompanied flute solo which begins with a piano introduction and then presents a modified melody with an extended cadence in the piano. A modulation occurs where the solo line presents a new theme built off from the orinigal theme with another modulation lifting the tonality to a higher reference and then ends with a solemn motive.
This solo with piano is structured in a quasi-rondo form. Thus making a great deal of variety in texture, style, and dynamic. It will make the young performer sound more advanced.
This solo with piano begins with a modified melodic statement. It enters into a second section with simple obligati and then returns to a beginning-like statement and ends with a simple coda.
This solo with piano is constructed in a rondo form alternating the tunes of Jesus Loves Me, Praise Him All Ye Little Children and Jesus Loves The Little Children. Each section of piece is in a different style thereby giving a great deal of variety technically and musically for the younger player.