An accompanied flute solo which begins with a piano introduction and then presents a modified melody with an extended cadence in the piano. A modulation occurs where the solo line presents a variation of the original theme to a higher register giving a sense of intensity and then ends with a solemn motive.
A unaccompanied flute quartet that begins with an extensive introduction with moving lines in all four parts. The next section is carried in the fourth part with counter lines in the upper parts. The interest then shifts to the upper parts with counterlines in the lower voices. The last section is carried by the upper line but is shifted around the various voices giving much interest to the piece and a sense of constant movement
A flute quartet that is joyous and exhuberant expressing the finding of the Savior, from beginning to end. It doesn’t let up with its joyous with a flurry of rapture ending on a high note of praise.