This saxophone trio is presented in an exciting, straight forward fashion; moving continually in a statement of joy and revelry. It ends on a high note of praise.
“I Know Whom I Have Believed” starts out in a manner of joyful confidence. The parts are in basic triadic harmony and then offer solo lines for the various parts. The piece concludes with a sense of strong confidence that the hymn portrays.
This flute trio with piano accompaniment is presented in a solid, determined manner. It makes a definitive statement in the “Power in the Blood” of Christ. The middle section changes meter while maintaining the character of the opening.
A clarinet trio with piano accompaniment that is gentle smoothly moving that carries a lyrical flavor throughout. On occasion there are brief alterations of the melody to add variety and movement. A good piece for tender moments.
This trio begins with a simple rendition of the melody supported by the lower voices and then goes into light imitation of the melodic motifs. The second statement passes the tune around the parts with brief embellishment by the remaining parts and then concludes on a strong chord with piano under-pining.
This clarinet arrangement of As The Deer is a gentle interplay of parts and gives the sensation of a constant flowing steam of water that offers a background for quiet reflection.