A brass sextet with opt. parts for flugelhorn and BHTC. The beginning introduces stacked motives building to full chords. Following is a rendition of “When I Can Read My Title Clear” with melody broken down into fragments passed around to the various instruments. After key changes the quintet presents “I Am Bound For The Promised Land” in much the same fabric of the earlier section. After a brief transition in a new key we find “Just Over In The Glory Land” in a more flowing style than the earlier tunes. The Coda section becomes my rhythmically active where it ends on a solid chord .
A mini suite that is based on 1) God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” and, 2) “We Gather Together” an Austrian carol from the 17th century.The score is solid in part management but adds motifs of punctuation to add flavor. There are optional percussion parts for those who want to add more color to the performance.
The score is set up various woodwinds to supplement the brass arrangement including: “God Of Our Fathers,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” and ending with “America.” It captures all the grandeur and majesty one would expect in an arrangement such as this.
This piece starts out in a plaintive style in the upper brass and then is responded in like kind by the lower brass. The second section transposes up a step and with more contrapuntal design giving more tension only to settle down to a sense of consolation.