A brass sextet with opt. parts for flugelhorn and BHTC. The beginning presents a vigorous fanfare where it settles down into solemn rendition of “We’ve A Story To Tell To The Nations.” After a modulation the piece continues with “I Love To Tell The Story” with more open scoring passing the tune around amongst the parts. Another modulation, another tune- this time “Send The Light” in a march style giving purpose. Another modulation leading into “Since I Have Been Redeemed” in the upper parts, only to be followed with the theme in the lower voices. Then after a sequence of cascading entrance the piece concludes on a resounding sense of resolve.
The score is set up various woodwinds to supplement the brass arrangement including: “God Of Our Fathers,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” and ending with “America.” It captures all the grandeur and majesty one would expect in an arrangement such as this.
The score is set up for 2 trumpets, horn, 2 trombones and tuba. The medley includes: “God Of Our Fathers,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” and ending with “America.” It captures all the grandeur and majesty one would expect in an arrangement such as this.