This solo with piano is constructed in a rondo form alternating the tunes of Jesus Loves Me, Praise Him All Ye Little Children and Jesus Loves The Little Children. Each section of piece is in a different style thereby giving a great deal of variety technically and musically for the younger player.
This solo with piano begins with a modified melodic statement. It enters into a second section with simple obligati and then returns to a beginning-like statement and ends with a simple coda.
This piece would serve well as a meditation. Beginning with a quiet Celtic lilt, the center section is stronger and bolder. After several bell effects, the piece returns to the mood of the beginning.
Taken from the “Messiah”, this solo with piano is essentially a transcription of the original work. The balance in the writing between the solo and the accompaniment gives way to the sensitivity of the text of this well-know aria..
An accompanied flute solo which begins with a piano introduction and then presents a modified melody with an extended cadence in the piano. A modulation occurs where the solo line presents a new theme built off from the orinigal theme with another modulation lifting the tonality to a higher reference and then ends with a solemn motive.