Three Plus Flutes for three soprano with opt. 4th/ob. with alto and bass. A beginning that is yearning in emotion and subtle shifts in harmonic and linear lines. A modulation to a higher tessitura in strong block chords gives a feeling of strength. The piece then settles back into the original key with a series of imitation of the various parts. The piece becomes more solemn as the pitch levels drop until settling into a final cadence.
Three Plus Flutes for three soprano with opt. 4th/ob. with alto and bass. The begins with the tune in the upper line and then shifted to activity in the inner lines. And then back to the voicing of the beginning, coming to a solid conclusion.
Scored for the woodwind section of a concert band arrangement, this Easter celebration is presented with strong traditional thematic statements, all the while being surrounded by exuberant obligati features.