A woodwind quartett scored for flutes, clarinets, and other woodwind instruments, this piece presents itself in a gentle, thought provoking manner. The middle section is faster, giving a heightened sense of thought worthiness.
A unaccompanied flute quartet that begins with an extensive introduction with moving lines in all four parts. The next section is carried in the fourth part with counter lines in the upper parts. The interest then shifts to the upper parts with counterlines in the lower voices. The last section is carried by the upper line but is shifted around the various voices giving much interest to the piece and a sense of constant movement
A flute quartet which begins with a Q/A format and then breaks into a chordal structure with some gentle modifications. This format continues until it moves into a modulation where the piece once again uses a Q/A design- keeping the piece on the move. This flowing movement continues until it modulates into a section that is grand and declamatory. After some unctuated accompaniment the piece makes a final declamation then lies into repose.