This solo with piano is constructed in a rondo form alternating the tunes of Jesus Loves Me, Praise Him All Ye Little Children and Jesus Loves The Little Children. Each section of piece is in a different style thereby giving a great deal of variety technically and musically for the younger player.
This flute solo begins with the piano playing a gentle motif of the theme and then joined in with the solo line playing the theme in a straight forward fashion. The theme is now stated in a modified manner while the soloist exudes a moving obbligato line which adds more excitement to the piece. The piece concludes with the latter section of the first section and then settles into a solemn repose.
A solo instrument with piano accompaniment? Can an arrangement capture the essence of the original with the majesty of full chorus and orchestra? This piece really does- it is amazingly complete!
This piece would serve well as a meditation. Beginning with a quiet Celtic lilt, the center section is stronger and bolder. After several bell effects, the piece returns to the mood of the beginning.