A solo collection with piano including: “Praise Him All Ye Little Children,” “Abide With Me,” “Dare To Be A Daniel,” “My Jesus I Love Thee,” “Away In A Manger,” “We Gather Together,” ” “Hallelujah! What A Saviour,” and “‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.”
Taken from the “Messiah”, this solo with piano is essentially a transcription of the original work. The balance in the writing between the solo and the accompaniment gives way to the sensitivity of the text of this well-know aria..
This solo with piano begins with a bold march statement with an elongated rhythm of the melody. The middle section is more expressive while the final section imitates the beginning, with a solid statement of faith.
This solo with piano makes a straight forward statement of the tune followed by a contrasting section using a new counter melody. It then returns to the opening theme.
This is a flute solo that begins in a flowing manner and quickly accelerates to a more technical rendition of the tune creating a delightful atmosphere of this grand old hymn. It is effervescent and uplifting.