A woodwind quartett scored for flutes, clarinets, and other woodwind instruments, this piece presents itself in a gentle, thought provoking manner. The middle section is faster, giving a heightened sense of thought worthiness.
Scored for full saxophone quartet, this piece immediately marches off with the dignity that this grand old hymn portrays. The theme is passed around amongst the various parts to add player satisfaction and joy to the listener. (S/A-A-T-B)
Score for four flutes the piece openings with a quasi round device and then establishes a more straight forward rendition of the tune. The final section becomes quite florid with intricately woven countrapuntal voicing.
An accompanied flute solo which begins with a piano introduction and then presents a modified melody with an extended cadence in the piano. A modulation occurs where the solo line presents a variation of the original theme to a higher register giving a sense of intensity and then ends with a solemn motive.