This trio for Easter renders a simple and gentle movement that is continually flowing with contrapuntal lines that exudes wonderment- truly a piece that causes reflection. There is activity in each of the parts and the melodic material is passed around for interest. If you want a piece for reflection this might well be the piece for you.
This saxophone trio is presented in an exciting, straight forward fashion; moving continually in a statement of joy and revelry. It ends on a high note of praise.
For three like instruments, accompanied by piano, the piece is largely homophonic in nature. There are various phrases that are rhythmically altered for interest-active, yet sublime.
A flute trio that expresses the joy of redemption through melodic embellishment, some trills, and harmonic changes. The hymn tune, “Redeemed”, is passed around amongst the parts of this unaccompanied trio.
For three like instruments, accompanied by piano, the piece is largely homophonic in nature. There are various phrases that are rhythmically altered for interest-active, yet sublime.