A woodwind quartett scored for flutes, clarinets, and other woodwind instruments, this piece presents itself in a gentle, thought provoking manner. The middle section is faster, giving a heightened sense of thought worthiness.
A flute quartet that is joyous and exhuberant expressing the finding of the Savior, from beginning to end. It doesn’t let up with its joyous with a flurry of rapture ending on a high note of praise.
This saxophone quartet is portrayed in a crisp and cheerful manner. The theme is passed around among the various parts and gains excitement as it passes through several keys. Surely a delight as a special number in any venue. (S/A-A-T-B)
A quartet for 2 flutes and 2 clarinets with opt. parts for oboe, B. clar., bassoon and Alto sax. After a brief introduction the flutes carry the melodic material and then shifting the chorus to the clarinets. A modulation shifts the attention to the clarinet melody with punctuation remarks in the other instruments. Further transition moves to another modulation where thematic motifs are passed around in a fughetta fashion where it then becomes more choral in nature ending in a solemn statement.