How Can I Fear
Eighteen piano solos- easy-to-read type and spiral bound… Wings as Eagles, How Can I Fear, Amazing Grace, He Lives, Sweet Hour of Prayer and more…
Be Thou My Vision
This solo is presented in a gentle, pastorale fashion migrating to a delightful obligato passage in the middle of the work. After a brief cadenza it settles into a hushed Adagio giving a sense of final rest.
Be Thou My Vision
This solo is presented in a gentle, pastorale fashion migrating to a delightful obligato passage in the middle of the work. After a brief cadenza it settles into a hushed Adagio giving a sense of final rest.
Be Thou My Vision
This solo is presented in a gentle, pastorale fashion migrating to a delightful obligato passage in the middle of the work. After a brief cadenza it settles into a hushed Adagio giving a sense of final rest.
Be Thou My Vision
This solo is presented in a gentle, pastorale fashion migrating to a delightful obligato passage in the middle of the work. After a brief cadenza it settles into a hushed Adagio giving a sense of final rest.
Be Thou My Vision
This solo is presented in a gentle, pastorale fashion migrating to a delightful obligato passage in the middle of the work. After a brief cadenza it settles into a hushed Adagio giving a sense of final rest.
Be Thou My Vision
This solo is presented in a gentle, pastorale fashion migrating to a delightful obligato passage in the middle of the work. After a brief cadenza it settles into a hushed Adagio giving a sense of final rest.
Faith Is The Victory
This mallet solo with piano accompaniment exudes joy from the very opening. It uses single note melodies it also requires some multiple mallet harmony work. The final section lets loose with a barrage of excitement making use of the entire keyboard.
Come, Christians, Join To Sing
Nine arrangements… set includes: piano and solo lines for violin, viola, cello.