At Calvary
SMS: Brass quartet for two trumpets and two trombones (opt horn and BHTC). The opening section follows very much the manner of the original hymn with harmonic counterpoint to add interest. With a brief modulation the piece goes into a more solemn style reminiscent of the opening section. The third section is in a march style leading into the final section which establishes a sense of conclusion.
For All The Saints
15 selections including: How Firm A Foundation, Jonah, For All The Saints, The Pilgrims Chorus, Eternal Father, Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart… Arr by Frank Garlock and Dana F. Everson
Majesty Hymns
Director/Accompanist Spiral Edition cover with over 600 hymns, Gospel songs and choruses including choruses, choral descants and special codas.
Majesty Hymns
Majesty Maroon cover with over 600 hymns, Gospel songs and choruses including choruses, choral descants and special codas.
Majesty Hymns
Ultramarine Blue cover with over 600 hymns, Gospel songs and choruses including choruses, choral descants and special codas.