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  • All The Way Medley

    An accompanied clarinet duet which begins with a melodic motif and then presents the hymn tune in unison by the two parts. The chorus then breaks into a duet harmonization in a straight forward manner. The next section presents the first part in a melodically altered rendition with the second part answering in an obbligato like fashion. The middle section is a Q&A form with the piano dropping out, followed by a piano solo section. A modulation now gives rise to the second part acting as a solo, followed by another modulation where the first takes over as a soloist. Then another modulation where the two parts present the chorus in a straight duet section., where it remains until the end.

  • All The Way Medley

    An accompanied clarinet solo that includes the hymns, “Jesus Led Me All The Way,” and “All the Way My Savior Leads Me.” After a brief intro of “All The Way…” the soloist enters with “Jesus Led…” in a straight forward manner. Then a brief interlude the solo ist then presents “All The Way…” in a new key- much the same manner as the first tune. The Coda section is based on “Jesus Led…” in a more altered and varied manner and then comes to a sweet ending.
