Hallelujah Chorus
A solo instrument with piano accompaniment? Can an arrangement capture the essence of the original with the majesty of full chorus and orchestra? This piece really does- it is amazingly complete!
Hallelujah Chorus
Choir I: Trp I in D, Trp II in D, Trp III in C, Alto Trom., Trb I, Trm II, Bass Trb., Tuba; Choir II: Trp I in Bb, Trp II in Bb, Trp III in Bb, Trom I, Trom II, Trom III, Tuba Hn I/II, Horn III/IV, Hn V/VI; Perc: Chimes I/II, Piatt-large; Organ; Substitues: Horn for Alto Trom, Bass doubles Tuba (Choir I), Bass doubles Tuba Choir II)
Hallelujah Chorus
A solo instrument with piano accompaniment? Can an arrangement capture the essence of the original with the majesty of full chorus and orchestra? This piece really does- it is amazingly complete!
Hallelujah Chorus
A solo instrument with piano accompaniment? Can an arrangement capture the essence of the original with the majesty of full chorus and orchestra? This piece really does- it is amazingly complete!
Hallelujah Chorus
A solo instrument with piano accompaniment? Can an arrangement capture the essence of the original with the majesty of full chorus and orchestra? This piece really does- it is amazingly complete!
Hallelujah Chorus
A solo instrument with piano accompaniment? Can an arrangement capture the essence of the original with the majesty of full chorus and orchestra? This piece really does- it is amazingly complete!