I Would Not Be Denied
A percussion quintet score for bells, tambourine, snare drum, tom-toms, and bass drum. The theme is presented in the bells- often in duet lines. The other instruments tend to work in tandem as supporting roles using changes in dynamics for interest. There are times when the accompanying parts modify their rhythms so as to not become stagnant. The middle section acts like a break-up strain, much like one would find in a march. The piece finishes with a flourish giving great impact.
To God Be The Glory
3 tpts, tbn, tbn/tuba (hn sub/trp 3). It begins with moving eighth notes giving way to an antiphonal chorus. Then the melody is in the bass voice w/counter lines above followed by cascading sixteenth not patterns which in turn pyramids to a final cadence
Trumpets Of Praise
.2 trumpets & piano. Starts with counterpoint of trumpets and piano between “O Worship The King” and “Praise To The Lord, the Almighty” followed by a mellow section of “Fairest Lord Jesus” and finalized section of “Praise to the Lord.” Piano is intregal!:
May Jesus Christ Be Praised (Doxology)
2 tpts, horn, tbn, tuba (tpt sub. for horn) Starts with high energy with trombone descant, then a slower Baroque-style counterpoint, followed by a majestic style in the horn melody with double descant in trumpets. All built on the “Doxology.”