Channels Only
A Violin duet beginning with a motivic introduction followed by part one presenting a modified melody with part two using a moving countermelody. The next phrase the roles are reversed. Next a modulation occurs and the melodic material is much like the first verse followed my another modulation. The coda section is much like the introduction only this time in a different meter and concludes in a simplistic fashion.
Trust Him Only
Scored for two unaccompanied strings it begins with a motif in imitation… The first thematic statement is made with a delicately altered theme in the upper line while the lower line moves in a gentle counterpoint.. The second section is in a new key at a higher level with the melody alters even more while the second voice is more expressive and stretched out. The next section changes key once again and mirrors the movement of the first section. Again, a modulation takes place and the parts are more bold and duet like in their presentation. A final modulation takes the piece upward and the style is more bold where it comes to a brief Coda- where it relaxes into a quite confidence.
His Eye Is On The Sparrow
An upper level violin solo with piano, the piece demands the use of many double stops with duet like sections and it is very rhapsodic in nature–and as one would expect, many bird-like devices.
O Jesus, I Have Promised
An upper level violin solo with piano, the piece demands the use of the broad range of the instrument’s ability. It is very rhapsodic in nature while being expressive throughout- going from simplistic renditions to often embellished melodic alterations.
Joybells-Heaven Came Down
An upper level violin solo with piano, this joyful piece demands the use of many double stops and large amounts of melodic embellishment. It is very rhapsodic and virtuosic in nature. This medley includes: “Joybells,” and “Heaven Came Down.”
Balm In Gilead
An upper level violin solo with piano, the piece demands the use of many double stops, and it is very rhapsodic in nature and is expressive throughout. It is very sensitive and allows great opportunites for expressive playing.
Sweeter As The Years Go By
An upper level violin solo with piano, the piece is very rhapsodic in nature–it is expressive throughout while using a varying degree of melodic embellishment.
I’ll Be A Sunbeam
An upper level violin solo with piano that makes use of the full range of the instrument. It is very rhapsodic in nature and gives a rather child-like manner even though being technically challenging.
Name Of Jesus Medley
An upper level violin solo with piano, the piece is very rhapsodic in nature, but is expressive throughout. As a medley, it incorporates: “The Name Of Jesus,” The Beautiful Name,” and “Take The Name Of Jesus With You.”
Great Is Thy Faithfulness/Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
An upper level violin solo with piano, the piece demands the use of many double stops displaying duet type lines. It is very rhapsodic in nature plus being expressive throughout. And as a medley in form, it incorporates: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” and “‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.”
Does Jesus Care
An upper level violin solo with piano, the piece demands the use of many melodic embellishments making it very rhapsodic in nature–it is expressive throughout.
He The Pearly Gates Will Open
An upper level violin solo with piano that makes use of the full range of the instrument. The piece is very rhapsodic in nature and is expressive throughout. The production is well edited with string instrument markings.
Sound The Battle Cry
An upper level violin solo with piano, the piece demands the use of many melodic embellishments making it very rhapsodic in nature–it is rather millitant in its portrayal.
Grace Greater Than All Our Sins
An upper level violin solo with piano, the piece demands the use of many double stops and makes use of the full range of the instrument. Though very rhapsodic in nature, it is expressive in nature.
I Will Sing Of The Mercies
Enthusiasm is the nature of this solo. It goes through many transformations of the melody but continually remains joyous. This piece would serve very well as special music in a service.
My Shepherd Will Supply
A solo beginning with unrelated melodic in the piano then join by the soloist in a straight forward manner with the theme. The chorus continues in much the same way and then concluded with a simple transition in the piano. The second verse is much like the first, melodically only supported by changing moods in the piano. The third section melody is in the piano while the soloist presents a gently obbligato. The next transition is more active rhythmically and then concludes in a sense of determined solemnity.
Saviour Like A Shepherd
This violin solo begins with a simply stated introduction in the piano with the solo line presented verbatim, the original tune. The middle section melody is in the piano with the soloist giving a lilting countermelody making for a pleasing interaction of the two parts. The third section reverts back to the structure of the opening concluding with richer harmonies and settling with a solid statement in the solo while support with a motivic statement in the piano.
Like A River Glorious
This is a violin solo that begins in a flowing manner and quickly accelerates to a more technical rendition of the tune creating a delightful atmosphere of this grand old hymn. It is effervescent and uplifting.
What A Friend
A solo that begins with a brief introduction in the piano. The soloists then presents the tune in a straight-forward rendition. The second section presents the tune in the piano while the soloist overlays with a gentle obligato. The third section goes back to the melody briefly and then shifts back to the obligato and then settles into a final repose.
Ivory Palaces
A Violin solo stating the melody in a straight forward fashion with an accompaniment that is gentle and constantly moving. The second section presents the thematic material in the piano with a motivic overlay in the solo line. The final section is fashioned much like the first section The Coda is a gentle motif of the theme ending is a sweet repose.
Amazing Grace
This flute solo is motivically driven much in a Celtic style. Expressive throughout, the piece culminates in a quiet repose.
Poor Wayfarin’ Stranger
This violin solo is a solemn, expressive piece from beginning to end where the melody is in the solo line. In the middle section the piano presents the tune while the solo line uses the counterline that was used previously by the piano.
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
This solo with piano is structured in a quasi-rondo form. Thus making a great deal of variety in texture, style, and dynamic.It will make the young performer sound more advanced. The arrangement is edited with bowing and fingering