Majestic Flute Solos, Vol. 3
A suite of three accompanied flutes including: “Immortal, Invisible” a flourish of joy and action ending with a sense of serenity; “Showers Of Blessing” a technical workout of exuberance; “Come Thou Fount” an ornamented rendition of the tune with a middle section or greater simlicity and then a return to the action of the beginning.
Majestic Flute Solos, Vol. 1
A suite of three accompanied flutes including: “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” in a vigorous and bouyant manner; “Brethren, We Have Met To Worship,” in a somber and plaintive fashion: and’ “All For Jesus, All For Jesus” in a thoughtful, then joyous presentation of exuberance!
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
An accompanied flute solo which begins with the flute alone. The second phrase is together. The following phrase as a more active accompaniment giving a flowing feeling. The second melodic statement is very ornamented with a lot of flourish. The next section is a variation using a triplet figure leading where the next phrase is in quadruplets. With a brief pause the piece becomes much slower and expressive and continues in that manner until the piece lies in repose.
I Must Tell Jesus
An accompanied flute solo begins with expressive embellishments, then joined in by the accompaniment using warm harmonies getting a sense of comfort/ The fir theme statement is straightforward in the solo while the accompaniment gives a sense of agitation. The chorus is embellished by various rhythmic figures until it concludes by shifting to a different meter with the piano modifying the tune. Now! Back to the original meter the flute takes over and the piece increases in intensity where the solo embellishes the tune with gracefulness. The piece again shifts meters and expressively takes the piece to a secure sense of peace.
‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
An accompanied flute solo begins with a jaunty piano motive and then joined in with the flute in a simplistic thematic statement The chorus changes meter and presents itself in a whole different flavor, one of strength and determination. The next section returns to the manner of the first, only this time the soloist provides an obbligato with much more flourish. The coda section is more plaintive and then settles into a gentle repose.
Now I Belong to Jesus
An accompanied flute solo begins with a soulful piano motive and then joined in with the flute in a simplistic thematic statement. After a brief modulation the flute presents the theme in addition with expressive rhythms and embellished flourishes. After another modulation the piece gains intensity only to end with a solid statement.
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
An accompanied flute solo begins with a soulful piano motive and then joined in with the flute in a simplistic thematic statement. The chorus is presented by the flute with a moving piano accompaniment ending in a solemn repose. The next section presents the theme in the piano with the flute overlaying it with a gentle obbligato. The piece ends in further solemnity.
They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love
Back in the 1970’s this was the “most popular” Christian song with young people, as it expressed the true meaning of the Christian lifestyle. Written in a “rhapsodic” style with free treated variations, including 5/4 and 6/8 times, along with very unusual rhythmic counterpoint, this creative work will be a highlight with audiences and performers!
Battle Victorious
Written in the traditional sonata form this tone poem depicts the spiritual battle of the Christian against the powers of evil. The first theme of Sound The Battle Cry serves as a call to arms. The second theme shows preparation by way of the cross with Lead Me To Calvary. Suddenly, the Development section thrusts the themes into battle using devices such as the fugue, stretti, imitation, inversion, and augmentation. As with the promised victory, the themes reappear together in a glorious Recapitulation. Eph. 6:11.