Crown Him with Many Crowns
BRASS AND IVORY SERIES are 3 tpts, tbn, tbn/tuba, piano, opt. horn (horn sub. for tpt 3, tpt sub. for opt. horn)
Crown Him With Many Crowns
This beloved Easter hymn is crafted to be played with as few as 4 players yet can be expanded to 6 as desired.
Brass Quartet (2 Trp, 2 Tbn – optional Hrn and Tba parts included) -
Crown Him With Many Crowns
This beloved Easter hymn is crafted to be played with as few as 4 players yet can be expanded to 6 as desired.
Brass Quartet (2 Trp, 2 Tbn – optional Hrn and Tba parts included) -
Crown Him with Many Crowns
A trumpet trio with organ that starts out in a fanfare fashion, followed by a block harmony in all instruments. Next are flourishes in the organ versus trumpets. The next verse is in the bass of the organ answered by the trumpets. A stacked motif in the trumpets, alternating with the organ followed by more trumpet flourishes. A modulation takes the trumpets into a higher range and altered melodic materials until it all ends in a majestic conclusion.
Crown Him With Many Crowns
This prelude is based on the hymn tune by George Elvey often used with the text: Crown Him With Many Crowns. In the opening section band members sing the first stanza accompanied by a few woodwinds. The piece then becomes rhapsodic moving between thematic snatches and full episodes. Shifting to a new meter of ¾, new material is introduced. A fughetta section prepares the conclusion where the low brass states the theme once again while decorated with numerous fanfare devices- coming to a very powerful ending.
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Scored for the woodwind section of a concert band arrangement, this Easter celebration is presented with strong traditional thematic statements, all the while being surrounded by exuberant obligati features.